Friday, June 11, 2010

A New Heart

Tonight ater bathtime we had a bit of a challenge with the oldest daughter. She is sweet as pie and sour as........well.......something really sour.

Daddy and I were trying to get everyone ready for bed and she was having a hard time listening and following directions.

That's when I learned that it's all from the heart.

Daddy : " I love you to death Paigey, but you really need to work on your attitude."
Paigey : " Well it's because I need a new heart!"
Mommy : " Uh.....why do you need a new heart?"
Paigey : "Cause this one is always telling me to do naughty things!!"



  1. OMG Paigey is so money she doesn't even know how money she really is...God I love that girl, lol. Awesome post Jess.

    - TJ
