Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bicycle Built For Two...Or Three.

I am the luckiest gal on the block. Neighbors for miles gawk at me. Eyes full of jealousy. (I can tell.) What do you ask are they staring at? My birthday present! (Ok it is not my birthday until mid-April, but Nick is HORRIBLE at keeping secrets!) (That and I guessed it.)(I know him to well....)(Guess that'll happen after almost 9 years of knowing someone....) ANYWAY!! I am the proud new owner of this bad boy!!!

I sure do fancy my new toy. Lillie is super excited (or more scared out of her mind, which I'm sure with a little persuasion and more time will turn into pure excitement) to have her own personal chauffeur. Us girls went on our first outing yesterday before dinner. We had a blast. Thanks Daddy. Your the best. ♥ you.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Best Day Ever.

Not the show. The day is today. We just returned from a hard, but totally necessary day at the hospital and the urologist. Lillian (Drum roll please................) IS REFLUX FREE!!!! (Applause now.)

Yes, my amazing little trooper underwent a few tough and uncomfortable tests today but they were 100% worth it! Just don't ask her, she may disagree. She went from a grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux to having a totally clean and normal urinary tract and kidneys!!

Prayers were answered. Medicine is finished. Now my baby girl can grow up and play outside like a normal little one. Thank God.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Writer's Block And Rambling.

I haven't been very diligent about keeping up with my blog lately. A few pictures here and there to tide anyone who checks in over for another day....but not much insight. I suppose when life is going just dandy there is no need to put it down in words. Or maybe not.

I want to say something profound here.....nothing comes to mind. My kids are wonderful. Lillian is walking. Paige is about to test into kindergarten. Nick is happy as a clam to have his new 4 Runner in our garage for the fixin. I'm content. Just dandy.

But I feel unsatisfied. I feel as though life is going by so quickly, and I am just an innocent bystander. I don't like that feeling. I want to wake up every morning and exclaim to the world "I'm here! I'm ready!!!" But. It's not like that. Life has it's normal moments. I guess this is just one of them.

I'm reminded now of a passage out of Jonathan Carroll's Sleeping in Flame :

"There are long quiet periods in life that are very much like waiting for a bus on a nice day. You don't mind much because the weather is sunny and nice, and your in no hurry. But after a while you start looking at your watch because there are much more interesting things you could be doing, and it really is time the bus came."

What am I expecting? A burning bush to tell me what to do with my life. I am enjoying my children. Watching them learn and grow each day. But I don't want to loose myself in the living. I feel as though there is a status quo for mothers. You must stay home, wash clothes, clean, cook, and take care of the children. In this you must find your happiness. What if you don't? Then what? Are you an unfit mother? I disagree. You must find your own happiness. Wherever it may be hiding. I find happiness in my children for sure. After all they are the people that have shaped me into the person I am. And I do the same for them. That is a huge responsibility. Shaping lives. Making decisions that reflect upon who your children become and what they believe. I take the challenge with open arms and a full heart. But we must not loose ourselves in the process. We are parents. Yes. But we are people as well. We need to find the delicate balance between motherhood and sanity. I choose both.

So what you ask is the point of all this rambling on? You know...I don't know. I just do that from time to time...

Monday, March 16, 2009


A big, giant, huge THANK YOU to everyone who came and shared Lillie's special day with us. And especially Debbie-Nama and Papa Mike for all the help with the BBQ! THANK YOU!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just Another Day At The Park....

♥ I love my life. ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Blessings A Year Can Bring.

Lillie Bump.

Happy Birthday beautiful girl.
March 11, 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

♥ Happy Birthday Lillie Pie. ♥
March 11, 2009