Thursday, September 18, 2008


My very favorite author Jonathan Carroll ALWAYS has the best blogs. I read them religiously. He has such an amazing outlook on life, love, God. All the things that matter. If your open minded check him out. (Man I almost hate saying that...I want his books all to myself!)

Point is. He had a great link today on his blog. Check this out. Super cool in my personal opinion. 5 questions to ask yourself that will change your life. We all could use a few pointers. Also really cool book and dvd is here. I know not everyone is into the self help positive thinking mumbo jumbo.....but really? Can it hurt? I submit that it cannot!

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." ~ Leo Tolstoy

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How to tell time. According to Paige.


Do you know how to read a clock? You know a good old fashoned digital? Plugged right there into your wall, no battery power required? I don't. ( I know, I know. The clock pictured above is misleading...but hey, it's cuter than a digial! Forgive me!)

According to Little-Miss-I-know-EVERYTHING (A.K.A. my daughter) I don't know how to tell time.

Paige has recently decided she must know exactly what time it is at all possible moments durring the day. Jena claims this is a "normal" phase and her kids at school have gone through the same exact thing. Well Jena does not live with those children. On top of the constant "Why's?" I now have to find a clock at sometimes inopportune times to tell my little princess what the time is....

This morning, as usual, Paige asked me for the time. I was half awake, very sleepy (thank you Lil) when I glanced over to check the time. "Eight O seven" I replied. She looked at me like I was some kind of horrible, never right monster. "No it isn't. It's Eight ZERO seven o'clock." She spoke very matter of factly. I then replied "Well actually when your telling time...." but judging by her look I knew my true to life answer on how to really say the time would not apply here. "You know what? Your right." I finally said. Is it really worth arguing with four year old over whether you say O or zero when reading the time? I mean technically she is right....

In the end...I am buying her a watch. After all she can tell time better than I can.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Very Inspiring.

With a big thank you to my best far away friend, I have now become a follower of this blog. It has really touched me to see such positivity in the light of such a horrible accident. I personally have experience dealing with a burn patient and the healing process (as most of you know my mom had her accident a year ago this month) and this family's faith is truely inspiring. I would just like to pass this on, and hope that we all can be so lucky to have family and faith as they do.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Grandparent's Day!

We love you Grandma's and Grandpa's!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This weeks forcast...

Tuesday - High of 99
Wednesday - High of 99
Thursaday - High of 101
Friday - High of 101

Overall forcast for the week....GETTING COLD!

(It's sad when your excited to see the low 100's in the forecast for the week....You know your from Arizona when...!!!)


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