Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's An Honor.

My little one is growing up.
I will soon have a sticker on my car.
I vowed not to be that mom.
But.........I get it now. ♥

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October. In Pictures. So Far.

A Day At The Park

Schnepf 's Farm

(Notice that Paige and Jenna are in the front car!!!)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Knotty Paige.

My daughter is obsessed. She feels the urge to constantly tie anything tie-able to something untie-able.

Example 1 - All shoe laces are triple tied.

Example 2 - All long, bendable fabrics are tied to something. Usually that something is a chair, toy train, stuffed animal, or possibly some body part.

Example 3 - Recently she decided to tie her and Lillie's hampers together using a frilly purple scarf. That was not enough. She then tied them both to our entertainment unit using my headband.

Basically it's a pain. I spend half of my cleaning time, untying something. Makes for a unusual pastime.....don't you think?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Well, Hello Again.

Things have been quite interesting around these parts for the last month or so.

We were plagued by a never ending sickness.

It all started September 5th 2009. We woke to a sick baby who had no voice at all. I mean that. None. So sad. About a week or so of sad Lil and finally she started feeling better.

That's when it happened. I got sick. Me. I don't usually get sick, and if you recall from an earlier post I am a complete mess when I'm sick. Call in the Wambulance. That lasted about a week as well.

Next comes the Lil. She managed somehow to get sick yet again. My heart went out to her, poor thing.

Now comes Paige. We woke on Saturday morn at 4:00a.m. to a feverish little girl. She was sick. Got better. Got sick again. All in about a week and a half. It was awesome.

Just when I had sanitized everything I imagined my children could possibly get a germ on (so everything in this house) it happened. Lillie got sick. Yes. Again. This time much worse. She is still recovering. Actually, so is Paige.

In the meantime, Nick said he wasn't feeling well. On the verge of running away, I insisted he take a million vitamins and please don't mention being sick to me again. What I don't know won't hurt me right? There was no way I was taking care of yet ANOTHER sicko. I'm only one woman you know?

The other great thing that happened was while in between sicknesses, Lil managed to get two nasty bites. One was a spider (I think) and it was gross. The other bit her eye and made it swell shut. Thank goodness for Benadryl. I was already on the verge of a mental breakdown, a bitten up baby was all I needed to take the leap into the abyss.

Things are looking up now. Kids are recovering. Nick is not sick (least I don't think he is...) And I am finally getting a chance to relax and blog my life away. Life is nice. Hopefully we can all stay healthy and sane.

Well......let's at least shoot for healthy.....