Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bicycle Built For Two...Or Three.

I am the luckiest gal on the block. Neighbors for miles gawk at me. Eyes full of jealousy. (I can tell.) What do you ask are they staring at? My birthday present! (Ok it is not my birthday until mid-April, but Nick is HORRIBLE at keeping secrets!) (That and I guessed it.)(I know him to well....)(Guess that'll happen after almost 9 years of knowing someone....) ANYWAY!! I am the proud new owner of this bad boy!!!

I sure do fancy my new toy. Lillie is super excited (or more scared out of her mind, which I'm sure with a little persuasion and more time will turn into pure excitement) to have her own personal chauffeur. Us girls went on our first outing yesterday before dinner. We had a blast. Thanks Daddy. Your the best. ♥ you.

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