Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh to have a husband...

Last night during Paige's much loved shower time, we had a little mommy/daughter chat. I was washing her cute little head of hair, (which I cut again last night, this time a little better. Even though I promised myself to take her to the salon next time. Oh well.) when I decided to break the news that she needed to sleep in her bed tonight, and would Lillie. See Paige has had the fantastic (I say that with the utmost sarcasm) habit of sneaking in our bed most nights. I must add I am sleep-training Lillie to stay in her room too. And I CAN NOT go one more night with four extra sets of legs and arms kicking and punching me. Nick is a big enough bed-hog! But this is where our bath time got interesting.

She said, "So Lillie and me have to sleep in our beds tonight?"
"Yes Paige. You BOTH do."
"Well how come Nick gets to sleep in your bed?"
"Because we share our bed."
"Well, I wanna share a bed."
"You can once your married and have a husband."

DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO remember? Then, very surprisingly and totally unexpected, the TEARS started flowing.

"Well I wanna husband!!" She cried.

And I MEAN cried. I couldn't help but giggle, although I didn't want to hurt her feelings...but come on! How often does a four year old literally CRY cause she wants to find her husband! Hilarious.

"Well sweetheart your only four. You will have plenty of time to find a husband. You can't even get married until your at least 18."
"Well I want one now!" (Add the Willie Wonka Veronica Salt voice here.)
"Sorry kiddo. Not until your older."
"Well I will get married and have a husband when I'm 13."
"Doubt it. You most likely won't even be thinking about boys or marriage at 13."

She had BETTER not.....

1 comment:

  1. hee hee hee that cracks me up!! I'm still laughing! Maybe a teddy bear will do for now!
