My daughter has the unique ability to listen and follow directions.
Only.....not from adults or any type of authority.
She prefers the directions from her peers.
Because really, isn't it more fun that way?
Today, she missed out on a huge Thanksgiving celebration in class. She thought she would listen to __________ (insert classmates name) instead. He told her to cut her hair instead. Cause that is so much more fun than activities and pie...... So right there, in class, she gave herself some "layers", if you will. Looks fantastic. If you like that one-inch-bang-chopped-randomly-all-over kinda look. Which unfortunately for her.......I don't. When we got home and we had a little chat about her new do, I asked her why she did it. "Cause mom," she whispered " I get a little crazy sometimes." Wow. Right on Paige. Right on.
The culprit.